While shopping at a Target store, I came across a 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube. I was quite fascinated by it and my mom bought it for me.
In this blog, I will give you an algorithm to solve the 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube. This algorithm is like the other algorithms that I have been writing to make a robot move and do some tasks.
Any movement of the Rubik's Cube can be described through steps. These steps include:
R: Turn the Right side of the Cube once in a clockwise direction
R': Turn the Right side of the Cube once in an anticlockwise direction
L: Turn the Left side of the Cube once in a clockwise direction
L': Turn the Left side of the Cube once in an anticlockwise direction
D: Turn the Bottom (Down) side of the Cube once in a clockwise direction
D': Turn the Bottom (Down) side of the Cube once in an anticlockwise direction
U: Turn the Top (Upper) side of the Cube once in a clockwise direction
U': Turn the Top (Upper) side of the Cube once in an anticlockwise direction
We can describe the algorithm to solve the 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube using these steps.
First, we need to bring all the White pieces to the same side as shown below:
This can be done by repeating the following steps multiple times:
R', D', R, D
Next, we need to bring all the Yellow pieces to the same side, and the opposite side of the White pieces, as shown below:
This can be done by repeating the following steps multiple times:
R, U, R', U, R, U, U, R'
Next, we need to bring all the other colored pieces to the same side using the steps shown below:
R', U, R', D, D, R, U', R', D, D, R, R
Hurrah, the 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube is solved! You can watch my full video below:
Happy Solving!