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Programmable Robots With Lego Mindstorms

On my 8th Birthday, my mom & dad gifted me the best gift ever...LEGO MINDSTORMS!

Lego Mindstorms is a fantastic programming set which means I can make it do many interesting things.

I can build many Lego models with Mindstorms. I then use my laptop to program them and bring Robots to life.

We can also do several things with each model. I am having so much fun playing with Lego Mindstorms! This set keeps you entertained all the time!

I can make five models out of the box and many more from instructions on the Internet. I can program the Robot to make sounds. We can make any sound by first recording it and by downloading the sound to the Robot.

The Robots we can make are called: Everstorm, Tracker, Spiker, Raptor and Gripper.

These Robots can do many things like playing music, shooting, cleaning, solving Rubix Cube, sense colors, and much more. Inside the box, there were a few cables, motor and the programmable brick with sockets for the cable.

These Robots are cooler than you think. I highly recommend everyone to try out Lego Mindstorms!


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